Winners of LU2013 Best Poster Award:

Sungho Choi
Hanyang University, Korea
 “Numerical Analysis of Second Harmonic Magnitude in Narrowband Surface Waves Generated by Line Arrayed Laser Beams”

Frederic Decremps
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France
 “Phonon Imaging in Liquids Metal Embedded in a Diamond Anvils Cell”

Photo [Click here]

The Best Poster Award

“The Best Poster Award” is a newly established honor in LU2013 and will be presented to those who make the most excellent poster presentation in this symposium. The awards will be selected among the previously self-nominated applicants based on the hybrid score reported by the experts and general participants (For details, please refer to followings).

Details of scoring

Expert Score

A few experts assigned from the scientific committee members carefully reviews and scores from the following points of view;

1. Visual Quality
  Layout and readability, clarity of texts, graphs, tables and image data
2. Oral presentation
  Explanation and discussion of procedure, techniques, and interpretation of results
3. Significance of the work (Most important)
  Impact (Degree of scientific and/or technological innovation) and quality (originality and completeness)

General Score

All symposium participants can cast a ballot to the most interesting, impressive and/or informative poster presentation for you. The ballot paper for the award is included in the registration pack. The deadline for the vote is 17:30 on June 26 (Wed).

Award Ceremony

“The Best Poster Award”s are announced and awarded at the closing ceremony held as followings;

  Date: June 28 (Fri)
  Time: 17:30 - 18:00
  Place: Room A

The awardees will receive a certificate commendation and commemorative at the ceremony.

The Best Paper Award

We announce the LU2013 Best Paper Award for persons or a group who present research achievements that significantly contribute to the science and/or technology of laser ultrasonics and advanced sensing and who also publish a paper on the same subject either in JPCS/IOP or in Materials Transactions. Award winner(s) will be selected through a rigorous and demanding evaluation process by the LU2013 Organizing and Scientific Committees. It is noted that award applicants must self-nominate themselves via the paper submission web of LU2013.





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